Primary Information⌗
Name: Pranjal Pokharel
Address: Nakhkhu, Lalitpur, Nepal
Email: [email protected]
Undergraduate: Bachelor in Computer Engineering (BCT), Pulchowk Campus, IOE, Tribhuwan University [2018-2023].
Aggregate Percentage: 75.5% (out of possible 100%).
Relevant Skills⌗
- Programming Languages: Python, JavaScript, Rust, C, C++, and Go (in order of expertise).
- Backend Development: Proficient in Django, FastAPI.
- Frontend Development: Experience developing apps in React/Next.js.
- Databases: Strong expertise in PostgreSQL; basic experience with MongoDB, Redis, BadgerDB.
- Cloud & DevOps: Experienced with AWS (EC2, ECS, Lambda, S3, RDS, DynamoDB, Cognito, Secrets).
Professional Experince⌗
- Senior Software Engineer at Naamche, contributing to their flagship product reAlpha.
- Setup data pipelines and wrote geo-spatial queries for +2M real estate records (read-write replication, triggers, materialized views, indexing, full-text search).
- Integrated OpenAI Assistants API for chat response streaming, worked on exception handling, and prompt engineering.
- Led developments in document management and ID verification (Docusign), search auto-completion (Opensearch), performance monitoring (Sentry), CRM integration (Follow Up Boss), property comparison heuristic, admin panel, data scraping pipelines, and more.
- Software Engineer at Naamche.
- Configured multi-tenant database system (application-layer router) for EthanAI, deployed custom microservices for authentication, analytics, transaction processing, and data reconciliation, and wrote tests.
- Developed a Python SDK for Dealmaker API (AWS Lambda deployment, token caching in DynamoDB).
- Worked primarily on floor layout customization (rotate-resize-relocate tables using custom drag-and-drop UI), and data sync using AWS Datastore for an offline-first, restaurant POS web app.
- Enhanced frontend chat interface and history panel for Mimir.
Full Stack Developer at Ensemble Matrix - used canvas API for signature vector extraction, custom parser for SAT verification, and integrated Finacle.
Blockchain Developer at - built responsive UI, monitored smart contracts, and integrated ICONex wallet for sICX/ICX transfer.
Intern at LIS Nepal, where we received mentorship and guidance on our final year major project. Completed an in-house course on ETL and SQL queries.
Blockchain Developer (Intern) at where I worked on the Blockchain Transmission Protocol (BTP) project where my tasks included deploying smart contracts, setting up local nodes and configuring the BTP Relayer.
Worked as Design Intern at Esfera Brandings, where my responsibilities included designing social media posters/advertisements, creating design components, and re-designing existing client designs.
- Worked as a Front End Developer at Clamphook, where my responsibilities comprised implementing design mockups to code, integrating API, and responsive web design.
Volunteer Experience⌗
Founding Member of IT Club Pulchowk where my responsibilities included event management, social media promotion, marketing, teaching-learning through various programming workshops, graphic design, and more.
Editor-in-Chief of The Zerone 2023 – led the editorial team, approved edits, organized competitions, and ensured timely publication.
Graphic Designer in the LOCUS Design Team for LOCUS 2020 and LOCUS 2021, Pulchowk Campus. Details of my work include graphic design, exhibition management, content writing, resource management and more.
Instructor for on-campus workshops, including Advanced C Workshop 2021, 2022 and Blockchain Fellowship.
Personal Projects⌗
Guthi (Distributed Framework for Application Development)
- Framework for developing applications in a distributed network; contributed to writing custom RPC, NTP client, and the distributed/collaborative whiteboard application.
- Custom Blockchain Network (from scratch) in Go; contributed to the cryptography portion of the project, transaction verification, storing and retrieving chain using key-value database, and more.
- Vostok Rocket Modeling using the OpenGL Graphics API and C++; contributed to loading Blender model using Assimp, designing lighting, skybox, camera movement, and more.
- Top-down 2D simulation RPG game using C++ and SFML library; contributed to designing the tilemap and pixel art, loading assets, player movement logic, scoring system, and more.
- Translate keywords/patterns to emoji across all URLs (:heart: to ❤️); contributed to scraping emoji/emoticon list, settings management using local storage API, custom user logic, and more.
Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) implementation in C++
- CRC check implementation using C++, sockets, and Linux system calls; contributed to establishing end-to-end TCP connection, defining struct serialization, and verifying CRC check.
Particle Swarm Optimization (Visualization)
- Visualization of PSO algorithm for Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) using Pygame; contributed to developing the entire user interface for TSP visualization.