Primary Information

Name: Pranjal Pokharel
Address: Nakhkhu, Lalitpur, Nepal
Email: [email protected]


Undergraduate: Bachelor in Computer Engineering (BCT), Pulchowk Campus, IOE, Tribhuwan University [2018-2023].
Aggregate Percentage: 75.5% (out of possible 100%).

Relevant Skills

  • Programming Languages: Python, JavaScript, Rust, C, C++, and Go (in order of expertise).
  • Backend Development: Proficient in Django, FastAPI.
  • Frontend Development: Experience developing apps in React/Next.js.
  • Databases: Strong expertise in PostgreSQL; basic experience with MongoDB, Redis, BadgerDB.
  • Cloud & DevOps: Experienced with AWS (EC2, ECS, Lambda, S3, RDS, DynamoDB, Cognito, Secrets).

Professional Experince

  • Senior Software Engineer at Naamche, contributing to their flagship product reAlpha.
    • Setup data pipelines and wrote geo-spatial queries for +2M real estate records (read-write replication, triggers, materialized views, indexing, full-text search).
    • Integrated OpenAI Assistants API for chat response streaming, worked on exception handling, and prompt engineering.
    • Led developments in document management and ID verification (Docusign), search auto-completion (Opensearch), performance monitoring (Sentry), CRM integration (Follow Up Boss), property comparison heuristic, admin panel, data scraping pipelines, and more.
  • Software Engineer at Naamche.
    • Configured multi-tenant database system (application-layer router) for EthanAI, deployed custom microservices for authentication, analytics, transaction processing, and data reconciliation, and wrote tests.
    • Developed a Python SDK for Dealmaker API (AWS Lambda deployment, token caching in DynamoDB).
    • Worked primarily on floor layout customization (rotate-resize-relocate tables using custom drag-and-drop UI), and data sync using AWS Datastore for an offline-first, restaurant POS web app.
    • Enhanced frontend chat interface and history panel for Mimir.
  • Full Stack Developer at Ensemble Matrix - used canvas API for signature vector extraction, custom parser for SAT verification, and integrated Finacle.

  • Blockchain Developer at - built responsive UI, monitored smart contracts, and integrated ICONex wallet for sICX/ICX transfer.

  • Intern at LIS Nepal, where we received mentorship and guidance on our final year major project. Completed an in-house course on ETL and SQL queries.

  • Blockchain Developer (Intern) at where I worked on the Blockchain Transmission Protocol (BTP) project where my tasks included deploying smart contracts, setting up local nodes and configuring the BTP Relayer.

  • Worked as Design Intern at Esfera Brandings, where my responsibilities included designing social media posters/advertisements, creating design components, and re-designing existing client designs.

  • Worked as a Front End Developer at Clamphook, where my responsibilities comprised implementing design mockups to code, integrating API, and responsive web design.

Volunteer Experience

  • Founding Member of IT Club Pulchowk where my responsibilities included event management, social media promotion, marketing, teaching-learning through various programming workshops, graphic design, and more.

  • Editor-in-Chief of The Zerone 2023 – led the editorial team, approved edits, organized competitions, and ensured timely publication.

  • Graphic Designer in the LOCUS Design Team for LOCUS 2020 and LOCUS 2021, Pulchowk Campus. Details of my work include graphic design, exhibition management, content writing, resource management and more.

  • Instructor for on-campus workshops, including Advanced C Workshop 2021, 2022 and Blockchain Fellowship.

Personal Projects

  • Guthi (Distributed Framework for Application Development)

    • Framework for developing applications in a distributed network; contributed to writing custom RPC, NTP client, and the distributed/collaborative whiteboard application.
  • Yudhisthira

    • Custom Blockchain Network (from scratch) in Go; contributed to the cryptography portion of the project, transaction verification, storing and retrieving chain using key-value database, and more.
  • Our Rocket

    • Vostok Rocket Modeling using the OpenGL Graphics API and C++; contributed to loading Blender model using Assimp, designing lighting, skybox, camera movement, and more.
  • A Day in Pulchowk Campus

    • Top-down 2D simulation RPG game using C++ and SFML library; contributed to designing the tilemap and pixel art, loading assets, player movement logic, scoring system, and more.
  • Emoji Translator

    • Translate keywords/patterns to emoji across all URLs (:heart: to ❤️); contributed to scraping emoji/emoticon list, settings management using local storage API, custom user logic, and more.
  • Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) implementation in C++

    • CRC check implementation using C++, sockets, and Linux system calls; contributed to establishing end-to-end TCP connection, defining struct serialization, and verifying CRC check.
  • Particle Swarm Optimization (Visualization)

    • Visualization of PSO algorithm for Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) using Pygame; contributed to developing the entire user interface for TSP visualization.