While I have been using Linux for over 2 years now, frankly I had never thought about automating tasks using simple bash scripts. This means that while I did not know about bash scripting from a syntactical point of view, I was very comfortable using the command line and it’s various commands.

And so my journey misadventures with bash scripting started with an idea, as always.

1) Idea!

Need to switch to light theme on vim…wait! Do I manually edit my config file every time? Time to write my first bash script.

2) Overview

I needed to start from the basics. Web search + Reddit later I landed on a website ‘learn-x-in-y-minutes’. 4 hrs to understand basic syntax while executing some code snippets.

3) Implementation?

Fundamentally, the script would have to edit the vimrc file –

set background=dark → set background=light

sed command for the rewriting job. I opened up the man page on date command and found that using format specifiers returned time in integer.

CURRENT_TIME=$(date +%H%M%S)
if [ "$CURRENT_TIME" -gt "$STARTING_TIME" ] && [ "$CURRENT_TIME" -lt "$END_TIME" ]
  sed -i "s/set\\ background=$LIGHT_THEME/set\\ background=$DARK_THEME/" ~/.vimrc
  sed -i "s/set\\ background=$DARK_THEME/set\\ background=$LIGHT_THEME/" ~/.vimrc

Debugging! END_TIME less than STARTING_TIME. A swap function should account for that.

4) Issues!

Why is a file with name ‘180000’ created every time I execute the script? And why is my downloads folder so cluttered? Need a file organizing script…

5) One day and awk later

Need a list of extensions in a directory. Kind stranger on StackOverflow, how do I understand this insane syntax?

find . -type f | awk -F. '!a[$NF]++{print $NF}

WHAT IS AWK? Okay, just need to go through the GNU manual…arrays in awk are super WEIRD! How about I usesort

find . -maxdepth 1 -type f  |  awk -F . '{print $NF}' |  sort -u

My own solution that I UNDERSTAND! mv+ regex should finish the work.

6) Send 100MB file over Facebook?

Honestly, I could have provided a drive link and be done. But something in me got excited over somehow bypassing the upload limit of 25 MB. Time to work.

7) Split it!

In a GitHub repository I found the usage of split - so, I CAN SPLIT FILES into pieces without losing data. Recombination? cat command to the rescue. I love Unix forums.

split --bytes=$CHUNK_SIZE --additional-suffix=$SPLIT_FILE_EXTENSION -d $FILENAME $PREFIX


It would be useful if I could implement something from Cryptography I course on Coursera that I took. In a sense, I’d learn two things simultaneously. Referred YouTube on openssl, went through the man page and added in some flags of my own:

openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -base64 -pbkdf2 -iter 100000 -pass pass:$PASSWORD -in $file -out fenc/$file

9) Finally…?

IT WORKED! 100 MB pdf sent over Facebook, in chunks of 24 MB, with the decryption working on the other end just as I wanted!

Wait, why are files of name ‘180000’ scattered around my storage? Oh no, forgot to turn off the buggy script…
